Saudi Arabia

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the largest Arab state in Western Asia by land area.

Link to external site : Website for Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
Development Developed
Send or Receive
GDP ($m)
Register/Log In
HDI classification High
Mobile Connections (m)
Currency SAR
CountryISO SA
Sovereignity Country
Territory of - NA -
{"type":"PieChart","data":[["Operator","Connections"],["STC (Saudi Telecom)",25978319],["Mobily",23032657],["Zain",9918847],["Bravo (PTC)",219045]],"options":{"title":"Connections","is3D":true}}
{"type":"ColumnChart","data":[["Year","Connections"],["Q4 2000",1229300],["Q4 2001",2500000],["Q4 2002",5000000],["Q4 2003",7200000],["Q4 2004",9076451],["Q4 2005",15711806],["Q4 2006",19868191],["Q4 2007",28391841],["Q4 2008",36059212],["Q4 2009",44717539],["Q4 2010",52850402],["Q4 2011",59006076],["Q4 2012",63249470],["Q4 2013",66025081],["Q4 2014",67742409]],"options":{"title":"Connections"}}
Register/Log In
Channel Analysis
{"type":"ColumnChart","data":[["Category","Initiatives"],["ATM",1],["Location",1],["Mobile",3],["POS",1],["Web",3]],"options":{"title":"Initiatives ( 4 of 4 )"}}
Upgrade to Bronze
COT Analysis
{"type":"ColumnChart","data":[["Category","Initiatives"],["",2],["Bank",1],["PSP",1]],"options":{"title":"Initiatives ( 4 of 4 )"}}
Upgrade to Bronze
Persona Analysis
{"type":"ColumnChart","data":[["Category","Initiatives"],["DB",1],["OB",1],["OP",2]],"options":{"title":"Initiatives ( 4 of 4 )"}}
Upgrade to Bronze
{"type":"ColumnChart","data":[["Category","Initiatives"],["BP",2],["MB",1],["MP",1],["OB",2],["OP",3],["PC",1]],"options":{"title":"Initiatives ( 4 of 4 )"}}
Upgrade to Bronze
PI Analysis
{"type":"ColumnChart","data":[["Category","Initiatives"],["",2],["Card",2],["Cash",1],["PC",1]],"options":{"title":"Initiatives ( 4 of 4 )"}}
Upgrade to Bronze
Central Bank
Key Regulations
Type of law
Legal System
Islamic (sharia) legal system with some elements of Egyptian, French, and customary law; note - several secular codes have been introduced; commercial disputes handled by special committees
Upgrade to Bronze
Law is based on
Sectors active in Digital Money
Allowed Models
{"type":"Gauge","data":[["Label","Value"],["Mobile Penetration",164.68],["Banked",62],["Internet",26],["Urban",83],["Adult",67],["Literate",84.9525]],"options":{"scaleHeight":0.5,"min":0,"max":100,"redFrom":76,"redTo":100,"yellowFrom":26,"yellowTo":74}}
Population m 24.20
Adult % 67.00
Migrants %
Stock Immigrants ('000)
Emigration Rate %
Internal Migrants ('000)
Internal Migration Rate %
Intl Movement Rate %
Urban % 83.00
Female % 30.10
Literate % 84.95
Annual Growth %
Mobile Penetration % 164.68
Banked % 62.00
Access to FS % 0.00
Internet % 26.00
Branches per 100k adults 0.00
ATMs per 100k adults 0.00
POS per 100k adults 0.00
Prepaid % 79.30
Prepaid SIM Registration
MobileUnbanked (m) 9.19
Monthly ARPU
Cards 2010 ('000)
Propensity %
On Remittance Sent
On Remittance Received
Mobile Unbanked
Migrant %
MP %
Banked %
Can Provide Payments?
Can Market under Brand?
Can issue E-Money?
Can Open Customer Account?
Can Own Customer?
Can do Cash In/Cash Out?
Can offer Domestic Money Transfer?
Can offer International Money Transfer?
Importance for Digital Money
Digital Money Adoption
Registered Wallet Users
Top Wallets
STC interested-regulatory bank needed
Upgrade to Bronze
Informal Market
Cost To Remit
Key Players

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